
Monday, June 28, 2010


Most of my thoughts about nutrition for babies, I now apply to myself as well and this is the case butter and oil. Don't dismiss these healthy, nutritious fats from your misleading misconceptions popular in the U.S. today.

Olive oil is great in it's natural state, but is not good for cooking at high temperatures due to it's low smoke point. Organic, unrefined, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil is the least refined, most nutrient dense type available. I use coconut oil for cooking, which is a great, healthy alternative. Coconut oil is very resistant to heat and is one of the best and safest oils to use in cooking. Again, you want to use organic, extra-virgin oil that is unrefined. Extra virgin olive oil is however wonderful to drizzle on pasta or to use when blending purees for babies.

Butter is also a great source of nutrition. Yes, you heard me correctly, but I won't try and explain it to you as I'm just not that smart. But, read about it here. Choose good organic, unsalted butter, preferably made from high quality cream.

Avoid the fake, processed, or otherwise modified products such as margarine, spreads, vegetable oil, soybean oil, canola oil, safflower oil, and sunflower oil.

Please share your thoughts and ideas.

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