
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

TIP OF THE DAY: Smelly Drain?

Have you been peeling potatoes, washing fruits and veggies, scraping your dinner plates and have a smelly drain? Sometimes, we're so busy making the food that the cleanup only makes it to the counters.
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1 cup vinegar

    Pour the baking soda down the drain, then follow it with the vinegar so that it bubbles. Once it has foamed and bubbled, turn on your cold water. Let it run for 60 seconds until the baking soda and vinegar have all washed through. 
Whenever you're using a lemon or anything citrus, be sure to put it down your disposal and run it at the end of your food prep and cleanup. That lemon smell is just heavenly and the rinds actually clean the blades.


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