
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Baby, That's Good - Washington Post Article

It's interesting to me the shift in cultural "norms" over the years. It seems to be true that everything is cyclical. From hairstyles to fashion to politics and beyond, things just have a way of getting out of hand, then coming right back to the basics.

It's funny to me how so many people today think you are supposed to just buy baby food in jars or pre-packaged in the grocery store. They don't even stop to think how it was done before this convenience was ever created. Many of these people buy their own food the same way...pre-packaged and lacking in nutrients, but many of them do not. They make their own food, but just don't even think about serving the same thing to their babies. Then, there are people like me. Our desire to have healthy-eating children, is making us change the way we view food and prepare meals for ourselves.

This was my possibly underwhelming observation when reading this article from April 2009, but I did find it super interesting and hope you will too.

Baby, That's Good
Homemade Food Has Practical Appeal

By Bonnie S. Benwick
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Washington Post Staff Writer

Please share your thoughts and comments.


  1. thanks for starting this website. my DD is 8 months old and i have fed her home made organic foods since she started solids. when people find out i make her food, they look at me like i'm crazy and say, "oh, i could never do that!" i also follow super baby food and keep blogging, i'm a fan! =)

  2. Steph, I'm so glad you're a fan. This is such a rewarding adventure with our kiddos.

  3. I just found your blog (you mentioned it on the "Chronicles..." yahoo group). I am so excited to read through everything. My LO just turned 6 months. I am planning on making all of his food. His Pediatrician wanted us to wait until 6 months to introduce solids, so we just started this week. We started with rice cereal last Saturday and he has refused to eat any of it. I have tried every day, but with no progress! So hopefully he will catch on soon and I will be able to start making his purees! I'm sure that your blog will be extremely useful so THANK YOU!!

  4. Diane, I'm so glad to have you join us. Yes, stick with the cereal. I think I mention in a few of my older posts, but it took my boys a while to catch on and now they eat practically everything! Keep us posted on your progress.
